
Fire Tower

So last Saturday I decided I wanted to take a hike that we had never done before. We usually either go to Bear Creek or just hike the trail around the lake. This time I wanted to go on the Fire Tower Trail. We tried to get an earlier start than we normally do because this is about a four mile hike. We still didn't get there till like 4, but we figured we'd have plenty of time. We borrowed Dereks's parents Jeep because the road has been really bad since it's been raining so much and we actually couldn't get down it last time we went. Derek's driving policy is something like: Why slow down when you could just barrel through it? So after nearly dying of whiplash, tearing up various parts of the Jeep, and having a few close calls we made it. The trail was gorgeous.

Now I know we're hiking to a fire tower on top of a mountain, but we were kind of already on top of a mountain so I totally underestimated the hike. It was uphill literally the whole way. And Chase and I nearly died. Not even in some crazy sixth dimension could Chase and I be considered in shape. We had to take like three breaks just so I could stop seeing my heartbeat in my eyes. Derek on the other hand, all 90 pounds of him, plowed his way over the mountain like he was still in the Jeep. Leaving us in his dust for about half of the trail. We finally did make it up to the fire tower.

They wouldn't let you go to the very top of the fire tower, but you could go up the stairs and it was gorgeous!!

The hike back down was definately more pleasant. And it took a lot less time, lol. But it was worth all the pain because it was a really great view from the top. :-)

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