
Creatures of the Deep

It occurred to me after acquiring my new fear of sea spiders that most fears are gained from television or movies. How many people are scared of sharks because they were actually attacked by one? So I thought back to and found pictures from the movies that caused some of my greatest fears of things in the water. I used the above picture of Finding Nemo because I do fear jelly fish, but I really can't remember the tv show that lead to that fear. Now I know that everyone is totally going to see this one coming so I'm going to go ahead and say it:

My dad loved Jaws. This lead to many years of summer days on the couch with a popsicle and ever-growing fear of great whites in the local surf.

The 2000 Leonardo DiCaprio drama doesn't immediately strike you as terrifying, but the scene where the two foreign guys got attacked by the shark left an impression on me. They didn't even show the shark, it was the huge pool of blood in the middle of the lagoon and the giant trail of blood in the sand where they dragged the near lifeless bodies.

And no, it's not because I'm a big baby. I am a huge horror fan and can stomach almost anything. I think it was the unexpectedness of this attack in particular. I mean if you watch something like Jaws you expect to see some people getting eaten by sharks, but a Leo DiCaprio movie about a beautiful beach? It was startling to say the least.


Seeing as I don't live anywhere near crocodile country I know this is totally irrational. Still, you can't tell me you didn't think that log looked like one for a few seconds.

I know, I can already hear the giggles, The Blue Lagoon is not a scary movie. And I totally agree with you. But when I saw this fish posing as an unassuming rock with a killer poisonous fin I was never the same. I'm forever second guessing every rock, shell, and shadow under the water or I'll end up like this:

And I mean sweaty and dying not in the arms of a young hot Christopher Atkins.

Although I only saw this movie a year or so ago I think that it totally tapped into that primitive there is something swimming just below my field of vision in this water feeling every time you get in water deep enough to require some paddling.

I wanted to include this creature because it walks. Living up in the mountains you really don't have to worry about sharks or poisonous fish until you go on vacation. But being out in a lake in the middle of the woods brings up a whole new set of worries. Creatures that can leave the lake and chase you if necessary is one of them.....at least for me it is.

So there you have it. Now that you are thoroughly freaked out it's time to go on vacation!! Have fun!

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