
Cat Nap Monday

I'm really, really bad at updating this thing. You know I used to be really good at this. I kept numerous journals from 4th grade till about 10th grade. You know, until boys were more important than writing. That's when I lost it. Since then I have not been able to keep a steady journal of any type. But I am really gonna give this one the old college try again. Because I really do love to write. And I think it's important to have an outlet like this. So today I am skipping school. I do this pretty much every Monday b/c I only have one class on campus on Mondays. And Chase's band practices on Monday nights right around the time I have class. So I just skip Monday's so they can practice at a decent hour. However, this gives me lots of free time to do as I please with the place to myself. Which I usually end up wasting on extended cat naps. So I'm gonna try and do something constructive today. Wish me luck.

Cocounut Records- Easy Girl

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